I have served the local church and the world for over three decades as a Pastor, Educator, Missionary Catalyst, Director of Missions of a Baptist Association, Interim Pastor, Youth Pastor, and as Executive Director of Kingdom Kinetics, a global equipping network of churches and leaders.
A.A.S. Solar Energy Technology (Texas State Technical Institute) 1982
B.A. Religious Education/Sociology (Howard Payne University) 1993
M.A. Theology (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) 1997
Doctor of Ministry (Missions) (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) 2008
Additional Training
A. Certified Level Two Church Consultant (Church Central, Instructor - Thom Rainer). Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.
B. Purpose Driven Church (Saddleback Church, Summer 2019, Instructor- Rick Warren). Lake Forest, California.
C. Certified Mentorship Training, Southern Baptist Convention (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary). Ft. Worth, Texas.
D. Field Mentor (Baptist General Convention of Texas).
E. Church Renewal Consultant (Baptist General Convention of Texas).
F. Certified Intentional Interim Pastor Training (Baptist General Convention of Texas).
G. Certified Intentional Interim Pastor Training (Southern Baptist of Texas Convention).
H. SENT Training alumni, North American Mission Board
I. Chronological Gospel Storying training.
J. Inductive Bible Study Training (Discovery Bible Study)
K. Preaching the Narrative Sermon (Hardin-Simmons University). Trainer- Dr. Joel Gregory
L. Preaching the Exegetical Sermon. Trainer- Dr. D.L. Lowrey